Large Media’s David Binkowski To Speak on Social Media ROI, Value and Justification

Large Media’s David Binkowski To Speak on Social Media ROI, Value and Justification

Social media ROI is a hot topic as brands want to understand if the investment in posting and managing online communities and conversations is worth it. (Short answer: yes).

I’m excited to announce that I’ve been asked and have accepted to speak at the ACI Social Media Conference in New York City on October 26-27, 2011. I’m going to be on a panel with the industry’s brightest and best to discuss a topic that’s been a hot button for most companies: Measuring Social Media’s Value to Your Business Processes in Order to Justify the Investment aka Social Media ROI. Joining me on the panel is Scott Gulbransen, Applebee’s Director of Social Media and Digital Strategy and the CEO of BlitzLocal, Dennis Yu.

Other companies providing insights include, but are not limited to, Zynga, Dell, Edelman Digital, JetBlue, Intel, MasterCard, Microsoft, MTV, Wells Fargo and Toys “R” Us. The conference focus on the regulatory, legal and business considerations companies are facing when implementing social strategies.